Please meet Marci, Scott, and Jordyn (20 months) as our new April PJ Library Family of the Month! The Hirschheimer family lives in Ellicott City and Jordyn attends Bet Yeladim Preschool. They are also excited to be expecting a baby boy at the end of June! Marci is the Strategic Marketing Associate at Erickson Senior Living and Scott is the Director of Web Marketing at Walden University. Read all about them below!
How did you hear about PJ Library?
A lot of Marci's friends in the Baltimore area had spoken very highly of PJ Library and said to enroll in the program.
What is your family's favorite PJ Library book?
Jordyn is a little too young to understand the stories, but she loves looking at the pictures in Much, Much, Better and looking at the other kids in My Face Book.
Why is PJ Library important in your home?
It's important to us that Jordyn is raised with a Jewish upbringing and PJ Library does a great job of introducing her at a young age to the Jewish traditions and values.
What is your favorite PJ Library program?
We went to Shabbat Tots last year and are looking forward to attending more of these events this year.
What is your bedtime routine with your little one?
We usually do a bath, pajamas, bottle, and then Jordyn picks out her favorite books for us to read to her.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Hirschheimer Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, please email Allison.