We are excited to introduce Gina, Jon, Ellie (7), and Clara (4) as our March Family of the Month! They live in Laurel where Ellie attends 1st grade at Hammond Elementary School. Clara attends Temple Isaiah Preschool. Gina is a Psychotherapist and Jon is an Economist. The Rothbaum family loves PJ Library!
How Did You Hear about PJ Library? A few months after Clara was born, Jon’s aunt told us about PJ Library while we were on a family trip together. I signed the girls up as soon as we got home!
What are your favorite PJ Library books? Ellie's favorite book is The Tale of Meshka the Kvetch by Carol Chapman, and Clara said "All of them!"
Why is PJ Library important in your home? Clara attends a Jewish preschool, but Ellie is now in elementary school where Judaism isn't part of the curriculum. PJ Library is important to us because it helps us incorporate Judaism into our daily lives.
How has PJ Library influenced your family's Jewish living and decisions? The books have helped expose them to so much more information about Judaism, Jewish holidays, and age appropriate religious teachings about morals.
What is your favorite PJ Library program? We love Listen, PJ Library's audio resources website. The girls enjoy listening to their stories and songs. We have a lot of dance parties in this house!
What is your bedtime routine with your little ones? In order to help our girls relax at the end of the day, our bedtime routine includes a bath or shower and then reading time. We've accumulated quite a few PJ Library books over the years, so 9 times out of 10, the girls choose one of them to read. Most of the time we read to them, but occasionally Ellie volunteers to read the book to Clara, which always warms our hearts!
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the Rothbaum Family this month! If you'd like to be featured as an upcoming Family of the Month, send Allison an email.